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No New Posts The River Styx

Spirits usually arrive in Hades on the border of the river Styx, which has as its tributaries the rivers Acheron, Cocytus, Aornis, the flaming river Phlegethon, and Lethe, whose waters, when drunk, induce loss of memory. The ferryman Charon conveys the arriving spirits across the Styx. They then pass the guardian Cerberus, who can take the form of a gigantic humanoid warrior or of a savage three-headed dog.

Moderator: Uatu the Watcher

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No New Posts The Palace of Pluto

The royal residence of the lord of the infernal regions, Pluto; ruler of Hades. The king of the dark domain reigns over all of Hades from his black citadel in the center of Erebus; the darkest region in all of Hades.

Moderator: Uatu the Watcher

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No New Posts Asphodel Fields

Near the Palace of Pluto newly arrived spirits are judged by the shades of the mortals Aeacus, Minos, and Rhadamanthys, and are then sent along three paths. Those who were neither truly good nor truly evil in life are sent on the road back to the Asphodel Fields. It essentially was a plain of Asphodel flowers which were the favorite food of the Greek dead. It is described as a ghostly place that is an even less perfect version of life on earth.

Moderator: Uatu the Watcher

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No New Posts Tartarus

Near the Palace of Pluto newly arrived spirits are judged by the shades of the mortals Aeacus, Minos, and Rhadamanthys, and are then sent along three paths. Those who were evil are condemned to Tartarus, a dark place of terrible punishments; where the Titan warriors are confined.

Moderator: Uatu the Watcher

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No New Posts Elysium

Near the Palace of Pluto newly arrived spirits are judged by the shades of the mortals Aeacus, Minos, and Rhadamanthys, and are then sent along three paths. The virtuous travel the path to Elysium, a beautiful and peaceful realm where they dwell happily.

Moderator: Uatu the Watcher

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Board Description
Pluto rules Hades, the Olympian underworld, or realm of the dead, where the spirits of the Olympian gods and those of their worshippers went to dwell after death. Hades is actually a pocket dimension accessible both from Earth and from Olympus. Spirits usually arrive in Hades on the border of the river Styx.
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