Located in the Turunal system of the Greater Magellanic Cloud, Kree-Lar is the capital of the Kree Empire as well as the seat of the government. The Kree Empire is ruled as a militaristic dictatorship. The Kree are a nationalistic society, with the only widespread religion being the worship of the Supreme Intelligence—the permanent ruler, Supremor, which immense organic computer-construct. A small minority practice the Cotati religion. But this is forbidden. Some are members of the Universal Church of Turth. The Kree control a vast empire that stretch across the Greater Magllanic Cloud. The Kree forces are commanded by the merchant House of Fiyero; under the supervision of the Supreme Intelligence. Also aiding the Supreme Intelligence are a number if imperial administrators on Kree-Lar, appointed governors of each of the member-worlds, and a vast standing space militia. The Empire also employs powerful automatons called Sentries to keep member-worlds under surveillance.